Accidents happen. Nobody plans or can predict them but we all try to prevent them. Property Owners carry insurance to protect their property. However, if a water pipe bursts, it isn’t the Owner’s responsibility to replace your personal items. Your apartment is your home. It’s where you hang out and keep the things that are important to you. If your belongings were damaged or stolen, would you have the money to replace them?
Be safe. Protect the things you value most with renters insurance. What if an accident does happen? You could be held liable for injuries or damage to others’ property. Make sure you’re protected with the right renters insurance.
Renters insurance is there to protect all of your personal belongings, as well as to protect you from huge medical and legal bills should someone get injured in your unit. Most renters need a standard renters insurance policy and possibly a rider if you have expensive items to protect.
Insurance companies often offer discounts on renters insurance if you have another policy with them for your car or business. You can also get discounts if your apartment has a security system, smoke detectors or deadbolt locks. More discounts might be available depending on your age or whether or not you smoke.
To find out more, visit this link.